Seven years of Sugar Dish Me! I can’t believe that I am celebrating the seventh year of writing internet recipes and calling it my job.

(pictured: Citrus Cake, an oldie but a real goodie)
You guys. I have never really been one to celebrate yearly anniversaries here on Sugar Dish Me. In fact, I usually have to go all the way back in my archives and look at the date my first post was published (definitely just did that before I started typing). But seven years really feels like … it’s really something.
My very first post was for these Classic Chocolate Chip Cookies. I had no idea what I was doing. My photos were nothing short of a disaster. But I really just wanted to share some recipes on the internet.
If I’d had any inkling that seven years later there would be more than 1000 recipes, and hundreds of thousands of people reading, saving, and cooking them every month, I’d have probably been too nervous to type the first word.

(pictured: Cranberry Pecan Banana Bread circa 2013)
In the beginning it was just … my mom. And probably my sisters. And I very distinctly remember being EXTRA EXCITED that I had 67 readers one day.
Life has changed SO MUCH in seven years. Since I started Sugar Dish Me, I have rescued and adopted 6 dogs, and have fostered many, many more. I saved and scraped and bought a house. I grew this blog into an actual business that pays the bills. Through this website and the magic of the internet I have made some REALLY amazing friends.
Friends that came all the way to North Carolina to celebrate with me when I got married.
Friends that were here for me when said marriage ended in divorce.
There are actually so many amazing connections that it would take me days and days to try and list them all. This community is amazing.

(White Wine Cheesy Chicken Dip, perfect for rainy weekends with wine)
Since September 2011, my kids have gone from 8 and 11 and seeming so small, to 15 and 18 and being SO BIG.
And because we are speaking of community, I really owe ALL of this to you! You lovely readers that have been coming back and making my recipes year after year. All of you that subscribe via email and share with your friends. Y’all that leave helpful feedback and reviews, tag me in photos of things you’ve made on Instagram, share when I finally get around to posting on Facebook, and those that are so nice you even take the time to reach out via email.
THANK YOU. From the very bottom of my heart. Thank you so much for all your support, for joining me on this crazy journey.
I’m over here hurricaning this weekend, making my favorite Coffee Braised Pot Roast, feeling thankful that right now we still have power and internet, and am thinking of all those that have already had to deal with all the stress and loss. Cheers to bottled water, milk, and bread. AND WINE.
Peggy Campbell
Saturday 29th of September 2018
Aww! 7 years ! cheers to your success and proud to be a first subscriber to all your awesome words, recipes, pictures, and hilarious adventures. We are all so proud!
Heather Tullos
Sunday 30th of September 2018
Thank youuuuuuu xoxo ?
Sunday 16th of September 2018
Congratulations on 7 years, Heather, what a cool milestone! You have an honest and unique voice that makes reading about citrus cake (that cream cheese frosting, swoon) and blackberry cream floats a lot of fun. The mouthwatering photos don't hurt either. Cheers :)